The world’s most stunning luxury collectible chess sets

Come with us on an adventure back in time
From the long and treacherous path that led to the fields of Bannockburn over seven centuries ago, to the rolling countryside of Ayrshire and the dreams of a young ploughboy. From the drama, passion and sacrifice for King and country to a different kind of love and passion from one of the world’s most creative minds.
These are the roads you will travel as you move these majestic players across the equally majestic chessboards.
Collectible Scottish
Chess Sets
Transform your home with our unique chess sets reflecting the history of the Battle of Bannockburn and the works of Robert Burns.
Battle of Bannockburn Chess Set
700th Anniversary Edition
Robert Burns Chess Set
Limited Edition
Every chess piece is a collaboration between creator, artist, model-maker and historian.
Only in those rarest of moments will you find a chess set with all 32 pieces different. And you may never see a chess set with pieces as exquisitely designed and crafted in solid pewter.
Each piece tells its own tale in one of two adventures: from loss to triumph on the field of battle; and from love to despair (and back again) – in the mind and heart of one man.

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Whether it’s to play, as a gift or simply to admire, these two luxury limited edition Chess Sets will grace any home, as a focus for today and an heirloom for future generations.
The first Bannockburn Chess Set was sold in 1996 to Walt Disneyworld, for the British Pavilion in the Epcot Centre, Florida. Since then we have sent Bruce, Edward and their armies off to every continent - except Antarctica! Battle of Bannockburn Chess sets are gracing homes in USA, Canada, Australia, Africa, China, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Denmark, England, Wales and Ireland – and, of course, Scotland.
The much more recent Robert Burns Chess Set is still a baby in comparison, but is already setting the pace with sales to the USA, Canada, Australia, Estonia and, of course, Scotland.
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