Stirling 1314 Blog
Learn about the history and stories behind these Scottish chess sets.
Race Against Dementia Charity Burns Dinner
Add Fast Chess with The Robert Burns Chess Set - to a Charity Burns Supper with a Michel Roux Jr. version of the Haggis - and what do you get?
A £227,000 cheque, Mate!
My introduction to Robert the Bruce
My Main ‘lineage’ (if I can be permitted to call it that) to Robert the Bruce is through the two Luxury pewter chess sets we produce at Stirling 1314.
Just thee of the things that make the Battle of Bannockburn chess set special
Gracing homes and locations on every continent - except Antarctica!
Just five of the things that make the Robert Burns chess set special
A Unique Responsibility Very few chess sets in the world have as much thought, care and attention...
Bannockburn - A folly that forged a nation
The clock ticks on towards the 23rd and 24th of July and the 706th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn.
Burns & Bannockburn
And so it is, we have Robert the Bruce as a Knight in the light side and Edward II as a Knight in the dark side (where else?). The rest, as they say, is history…
Bannockburn & The Reluctant Kings
Wars are won by armies that trust and believe in their leaders.